Baby Goat Snuggles Bookings


It's that time of year again! We have baby goats here on the farm. Please sign up for a time slot below. Each time slot is 30 minutes and is $5 PER PERSON. We are limiting attendees to 10 per time slot. Last year we had so much interest we thought we'd make it easier so we are using our website, Venmo and Cash App for advanced payment. This ensures that you get the slot you want and that we have a firm reservation. Baby goat snuggles happen rain or shine so payments are non-refundable. If we do have to cancel for severe weather you are welcome to choose a different date to come and your payment will transfer over to that day.  


Check out below


    One of the following:

Vemno: @wildacresfarmllc 

Cash App: $WildAcresFarm  



Please sign up and send full payment for your reservation. Payment is non refundable however you are welcome to transfer your slots to someone else. Reservation will not be final until payment is received. If you do not have one of these forms of payment we'd be happy to arrange an alternate form, just message us and let us know.  

If WE have to cancel for any reason we will try and let you know ASAP via the email you provide. Please check that email the day you come to be sure we haven't cancelled. We typically only cancel for severe weather (extreme cold, or severe storm watches and warnings)

We are looking forward to seeing you this year!